Penka Danova, Rerum memorabilium tabula: Nikopol dans les notes de géographie et d’histoire des écrivains européens (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)
The elaboration of Tables of Remarkable Things/ Rerum memorabilium tabulae as a supporting scientific tool in the 16th and 17th centuries scientific literature contributes to distinguishing homonymous geographic sites, such as the many cities bearing the name of victory (Nicopolis). From the end of the 16th century the city of Nikopol on the Danube (Nicopoli de Bulgarie) is clearly distinguished from Preveza (Actia Nicopolis of the Antiquity, Nicopoli de Romanie of the Modern Times). The already non-existent towns, such as the antique city of Nicopolis ad Istrum (ad Haemum, ad Iatrum) are found only in the sections of antique Greek-Roman geography. In the universal geographies from that period, Nikopol on the Danube becomes known as a central town of a sanjak. Along with its traditional name, the Turkish version is also mentioned – Nigeboli, Nigebolu. The latter is relatively rarely listed in Rerum memorabilium. In the Tables and in the main text of the geographic works, Nikopol on the Danube is often misrepresented as a capital or a major city of Bulgaria, which is influenced mainly by the Universal Relations of Giovanni Botero. The name of this town in Central Bulgaria is associated with the traumatic memory of the Battle of Nikopol (1396). This trend continues in the 18th century, especially in the geography textbooks.