Vasile Buga, Blocage soviétique envers les propositions de Roumanie concernant l’élargissement des collaborations dans les Balkans dans les années ’70 du XXe siècle

Vasile Buga - Institut National pour l’Étude du Totalitarisme, Bucarest
p. 299-306
Online publication date: 
Balkans, Brezhnev, Ceaușescu, Jivkov, collaboration, political relationship, Crimea

We present the initiative put forward by the leaders of Romania at the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century, aiming at the development of diverse collaboration between the Balkan states. This area was considered, traditionally, as a region of strategic interest already by the former Tsarist Empire and, subsequently, by the USSR. So the Moscow rulers had at least reluctantly received these proposals, perceived as attempts by N. Ceaușescu to create a political organization in the region opposed to the interests of other countries. The author undertakes an analysis of the Soviet reaction, supported by the Bulgarian leaders in the attempt to discourage the efforts of the PCR with its government in the direction of the change of the Balkans in an area of collaboration and understanding between peoples of the region.

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